Hiring the Right Person
A Perfect Match?
The search for the perfect employee is, in some ways, similar to the quest for the ideal spouse. You've identified desired qualities. You spend time looking for them. You think you have found the right person. And then you optimistically march forward together, hoping to build a relationship that is mutually fulfilling and meaningful.
But, in employment, as in marriage, it takes patience, commitment and hard work to find those desired traits. As in every aspect of your business, you must do your homework and plan ahead, because hiring and retaining good employees is probably the most critical factor in creating a successful business.
And, it's getting more difficult. Business owners trying to keep their companies competitive are facing the worst labor shortage in 20 years. The coming-of-age, baby-bust generation simply does not yield enough youthful workers and this shortage is already being felt in many sectors of the service industry as well as in many professional fields. The employment market increasingly belongs to the sellers, and these sellers are very choosy about where they want to go.
But don't give up. What this all means is you are going to have to work harder to find and keep good employees. You will have to put more time and effort into the entire employment process -- from defining the job, to interviewing, hiring, motivating and retaining you employees.
7 Tips to Human Resource Management
1. Plan personnel requirements
2. Attract applicants
3. Select employees
4. Orient them to the company
5. Train them
6. Motivate and set goals
7. Evaluate their performance
There are valuable tips to consider when hiring employees. Check with the California Employment Development Department for more information regarding employee rights and the hiring process:
There are many factors to take into consideration when hiring employees. There are legal considerations, tax implications and more.
Once you have hired that "perfect" person, you'll nee to see they get proper orientation and training. This will give the new person an opportunity to learn about their new job and meet their fellow employees. It's also a good idea to make it clear to your employees how and them their work will be judged.
For more information about hiring employees: